Follow Up from NYREB Thread


Sep 20, 2004
Is it me or does it seem like more people are concerned with criticizing,getting onto somebody, bashing, or flat out discrediting people on the RX than simply helping each other find winners. Seems there is more concern about record keeping, how an individual rates a game, and other petty stuff instead of all of us getting along and helping each other get on the right side of games. If anyone checks out Insiders thread, there are several of us that disagree on MU/OU this week, but the way it has been handled is the way we should discuss things. Like men and with facts not calling names to each other and posting complete riff raff. If someone has a losing week, there is always somebody there to rub it in someone's face that they lost. I have lost more than I have won so far this year. I am not proud of that fact but still trying to help people win games. There are others on here that do the same thing. Does anybody else feel the same way? It seems like this is a big reason why we are losing quality posters who contribute. I would also like to point out when these bashers get onto somebody for losing, it is hurting the forum in another way. This poster may continue to lose which makes him/her a great fade. Who knows, this year I probably fall into that category but last time I checked, a great fade is money as much if not more than someone who is picking winners. Done raving but wanted to give some more feedback from REb's post which I thought was a very good post!
Jan 19, 2006

You and I disagree all the time bud on games and I haven't lost one ounce of respect for you because it.. Sometimes you are right and sometimes I am right. People just do not understand that. The sad thing I have noticed is people actually waiting for people to lose so they can bash them..

Trust me about 2-3 times this season I have wanted to just quit posting plays cause of the negative assholes who bring negative shit into my threads. But then I realize 95% of the people here are actually cool and I don't need to let the 5% determine whether I post here or not..

Sep 20, 2004
What I think is great on how we got over our misunderstandings and now agree to disagree or simply agree on topics. I must compliment you sir on how far you have come on the RX. You have metamorphosed into a class act. I want to be the first one to tell you that as we had these discussions before in March. The RX is very lucky to have someone like yourself. It shows how far you have matured and how others need to change. Keep up being a force here at the RX as all your hardwork is appreciated.:103631605
Jan 19, 2006
Thanks kojax,

When I first came to therx it was to mess around.. I wasn't being serious with alot of things cause I heard/thought no one was serious on here. I then realized differently and said screw the bullshit and realized this place actually has some serious fellas.. I did mature since I first joined but I think the real reason my act changed was because I started taking this place seriously..

You do a great job as well man and I have completely forgotten about our earlier differences..

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
contrary to what reb has said about me, i have NEVER criticized any poster for losing. i only have pointed out records that are false and misleading. if someone makes a mistake they should be happy someone told them about it unless they are doing it on purpose. i have made mistakes in record keeping and when someone tells me i correct it and thank them. i don't call them names and tell them to mind their own business.

kojak, do you think it is important to keep a accurate record if you keep one?
i think this is as important as anything in helping each other win!

Sep 20, 2004
yes I think it is important but problem I have is that from time to time everyone adds wrong and as soon as someone catches it, it can be done in one of 2 ways. First, you can point it out politely with proof. I see no problem in that delivery. The second way is where I have the problem is when a poster finds a mistake, assumes poster is doing it on purpose, and bashes without giving person chance to speak on subject. Consequently, other bashers come in and it gets out of hand.

I also think people put to much merit into records and not enough into insight of game. Anyone can have bad run and anyone can have good run. All I care about is the games for that upcoming week. What is done is done and can't change. I look at even new person's post for insight. I am not looking at what people pick but their reasoning. That is more important to me than selection.

Anyway, getting back to your original question, I want to follow up with a question or 2 to you. I have noticed your posts in RR. Question I have to you, besides integrity question, is why do you go out of your way to find mistakes? My logic would be if you find somebody fudging, why not let it go on, fade him, and makes some money. When you get onto somebody, makes them want to post less plays and less frequently. Another question, do you make selections based on posters record? IMO, the time to play someone is when doing poorly not when on hot streak.Just curious and appreciate your efforts here at RX.

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
every time i have seen a poster make a mistake in their record it was just because i was following their plays, usually because they posted a very good record. then the record they post isn't what i had for their plays that week. if i ask them about it and they have a attitude about it i look into it further and usually find other "mistakes" in their favor. we disagree on this, i think the forum is better if people that are fudging are called out on it. an honest forum is better than a fudging one. if someone is trying to deceive members by fudging their record i would rather they didn't post! the only posters that i would follow are ones with long track records and never follow posters that hype their plays. i love to go against the public. i was going to play the skins +9 sun, when i called at 12:45 the line was +7' -15 so i played the colts. when people are doing poorly they chase and lose more.

Shaman; Prophet; Seer
Sep 21, 2004
husker, I have never seen you make a positive comment in any poster's thread. In fact, this response to Kojak is the first time I've ever seen you talk civily to anyone.

Anyone can click on your name, and your previous posts, to see what kind of poster you usually are. You are unusually obsessed with 'tracking' and must put in a full day's work at it to keep up with everyone. I presume you have no real job or you wouldn't have time to do what you do. Anyway, you seem obsessed with exposing cheaters, which puts you on a constant witch-hunt.

You never said a word about my record until nysports posted his bi-annual thing about me, and you jumped on it like a mouse on peanut butter. You even started posting these ridiculous past threads of mine, one of which had me plus 100 units. You said I quit posting my record in 2004, but you didn't mention that I stopped posting altogether, lol.

You never would have entered my consciousness if you hadn't attacked Good Heart. Good Heart was only posting a thread about the consensus service he is associated with -- he isn't a scammer, has never cheated anyone, has never posted anything that wasn't authentic; and the reason I know this is because I take his service, which is a good one, and not because I'm the same person, as you keep hinting, lol. There was no reason for you to attack him, but you did, and since it was a totally unfair and unjustified attack, I came to his defense. That's when you started posting dirt about me, which was primarily the dirt of your imagination.

I don't have a problem with you tracking and exposing cheaters and all the stuff you like to do, I just don't like when you attack unjustly and unfairly. When you attacked Good Heart, I knew you weren't just after the bad guys.

I'm willing to let the whole thing go if you are. I don't have anything personally against you. I just don't like people attacking good people for no reason.

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
NY Reb said:
You even started posting these ridiculous past threads of mine, one of which had me plus 100 units. You said I quit posting my record in 2004, but you didn't mention that I stopped posting altogether, lol.

anyone can do a search and see you posted regularly in 04. what do you know, this is the week after the post you just said you quit posting:

you should just quit lying because you keep digging a bigger hole!

New member
Aug 19, 2005

You do bring a very valid point to the table here in this thread. You and myself have great posts when we do disagree on some games and thats what the Rx is supposed to be ALL about. INFORMATION !
Some of the newer posters seem to take Great pride in throwing up some kind of nonsense quite often around here these days.
Had one tell me today that i hade made a "sucker" bet by takeing a nonexitant number and that did kinda burn my ass a tad.
Sure we have all won some and lost some games in our lives, but i have my reservations about someone calling a sucker bet. If i knew who was going to win every game i would never lose one, but that aint gonna happen in this game.
BOL to ya !

Sep 21, 2004
NY Reb said:
husker, I have never seen you make a positive comment in any poster's thread. In fact, this response to Kojak is the first time I've ever seen you talk civily to anyone.

Anyone can click on your name, and your previous posts, to see what kind of poster you usually are. You are unusually obsessed with 'tracking' and must put in a full day's work at it to keep up with everyone. I presume you have no real job or you wouldn't have time to do what you do. Anyway, you seem obsessed with exposing cheaters, which puts you on a constant witch-hunt.

You never said a word about my record until nysports posted his bi-annual thing about me, and you jumped on it like a mouse on peanut butter. You even started posting these ridiculous past threads of mine, one of which had me plus 100 units. You said I quit posting my record in 2004, but you didn't mention that I stopped posting altogether, lol.

You never would have entered my consciousness if you hadn't attacked Good Heart. Good Heart was only posting a thread about the consensus service he is associated with -- he isn't a scammer, has never cheated anyone, has never posted anything that wasn't authentic; and the reason I know this is because I take his service, which is a good one, and not because I'm the same person, as you keep hinting, lol. There was no reason for you to attack him, but you did, and since it was a totally unfair and unjustified attack, I came to his defense. That's when you started posting dirt about me, which was primarily the dirt of your imagination.

I don't have a problem with you tracking and exposing cheaters and all the stuff you like to do, I just don't like when you attack unjustly and unfairly. When you attacked Good Heart, I knew you weren't just after the bad guys.

I'm willing to let the whole thing go if you are. I don't have anything personally against you. I just don't like people attacking good people for no reason.


Why do you keep this up? I said that I was done with you, but you can't let it go. Please don't mention me again because all I've ever done is tell the truth. You have questioned that truth repeatedly, but have never shown where I was wrong. Why is that? Let it go because I have a bunch of documentation that could damage your "reputation". I can't believe that I even bothered with this. If anyone wants to follow your plays, that is up to them. I honestly hope you win all your bets. My only problem was the record keeping. I will stand by my original stance that if you can't keep a correct record then don't keep one at all. Just post your weekly plays and be done with it. GL the rest of the year.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Why do you keep this up? I said that I was done with you, but you can't let it go.Please don't mention me again because all I've ever done is tell the truth.

Excellent advice for NY Reb - I hope he decides to follow it.

Jan 19, 2006
Hey anyone of you guys, including Wil like NIU +17 this week? I got +17.5 before they mentioned Tate being out...
Jul 22, 2005
gynecologist said:

You and I disagree all the time bud on games and I haven't lost one ounce of respect for you because it.. Sometimes you are right and sometimes I am right. People just do not understand that. The sad thing I have noticed is people actually waiting for people to lose so they can bash them..

Trust me about 2-3 times this season I have wanted to just quit posting plays cause of the negative assholes who bring negative shit into my threads. But then I realize 95% of the people here are actually cool and I don't need to let the 5% determine whether I post here or not..

Jan 19, 2006
beating . vegas how are you doing this year? You have been quiet...

You did mention you were hammering Oregon along with me..

Rx. Senior
Sep 21, 2004
Your not some 15 Year old who is playing marbles and as an Ex Mod you are well aware of how misleading comments can cause annoyance to someone who has followed you. How you can claim to have a reasonable week when you have lost plenty Units, buy more hooks than a Fisherman and duck and dive between system plays and personal plays and not expect somebody to say something is quiet unbelievable. As far as I'm concerned no matter who you are you live and die by the Sword, if all you want to do is discuss games then discuss them, but as soon as you start putting Units and hooks and fantasy Spreads into your Thread then other posters are at liberty to question them, if only in respect of those Posters who do not make such claims.

I dont know whats brought this around as this never used to happen when you were here before. BOL from herein. :drink:

Sep 20, 2004
Let Me Tell You What I Think Of You Sir. You Are Nothing More Than An Alcoholic That Has Nothing Better To Do With His Time Than To Go Out And Criticize Anyone You Can. Like Panther Ly During Jman Contest Or Anybody Else. You Are The Empithany Of What Has Caused Many Of The Problems Here At The Rx. Your Snug Behavior Hidden And Forgiven By Your Alcoholism Is All Good For The Newbies But For Us Oldtimers, We All Know Exactly Who You Are And What You Are. Come Talk To Me When Your Sober!

Sep 20, 2004
It Is Your Lucky Day As I Am In Such A Good And Feisty Mood. Besides Being The Ass(i Mean Class Clown) Here On The Rx What Sir Do You Actually Provide Besides A Few Laughs At You. If You Had The Balls To Show Up In Vegas At The Bash We Could See For Ourselves In Person. I Respect Those That Can At Least Show Themselves In Person Instead Of Hiding Behind The Keyboard And Typing Up Anything That Comes To Mind And Can't Back It Up Like A Man. There Is Many People I Have Met That I Have Had Problems With And Vice Versa. At Least Sir, I Respect Them More After Meeting Them In Person And Seeing Them. ...........( Gotta Stop Typing For Winbet To Pour Another Drink). Anyway, Winbet, I Have Been Celebrating A Big Win Tonight And I Have Wasted Enough Time On You. Toast !

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